Highway 23 Revisited

You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows.

Friday, January 29, 2010

JD Salinger

JD Salinger passed away yesterday at 91 years old. "Catcher in the Rye" shaped the way I viewed life as a teenager. Even though it was published in 1951, I could easily relate to the cynicism and alienation of Holden Caulfield. A couple of years ago, I went back and read it again, and it was just as good as I remembered, maybe more. Salinger was a private man, whose last book was published in the 1960s. He said he still wrote, but only for himself. He was a major recluse and loved his privacy. There are reports that dozens of stories were found in his residence. I hope those stories are never published.


  1. "Catcher in the Rye" wasn't the first I read, I think it was his collection of nine short stories. However, by far my favorite is "Franny and Zooey" because it is just two excellent conversations, first between Franny and his mother and then between Franny and Zooey, completely shaped the way I write from then on.
